Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Identity, Society, and Culture

Many of us in America may take the way we live for granted, with the easy access to technology, reliable transportation, and just living the American dream. For many Americans this still may not be true, but these people still lead better lives than many people around the world, such as people living in third-world countries. As Americans we may categorize people we see from where the come from in the world, rather than actually getting to know that person. People see the skin color of a person, or the origin of their family and begin to make judgments and think about the stereotypes that are related to this individual. Also we don't see a society that is any different that the one we live in. People believe that if it is not the American society, then it is not right. This also happens when Americans encounter different cultures. They may not believe that some of the customs that this unknown culture preforms is not right and from then on out, put down that culture for just one difference. This may not be the case from some people, but for many it is. Some people are open minded about what they encounter in the world and want to learn more about what they have discovered. These people think of the world as a place to learn and want to explore as much of it as they can. To me that would be the best way to live.

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