Friday, September 9, 2011

Dove Real Beauty Campaign

To me I think that Orbach's view on how women stress on how the way they loo because of beauty ads is right. Most of the ads that we see today and are trying to sell something to women try to make the consumer or audience think that if they don't have this certain product then they won't be beautiful like everyone else. These ads display overly skinny models posing in suggestive ways that are intended to catch peoples' eyes. The Dove Real Beauty Campaign shows women and girls that they don't have to be like these models to be beautiful. To actually be pretty or beautiful means being true to yourself and not caring what other people around you think. This campaign targets the ads that are lowering the self-esteems of many young girls and even aging women and tries to show these girls other ways to be beautiful. I believe that Orbach did the right thing by teaming up with dove and leading the campaign. She brought to the table many skills that greatly helped this program get started and rollin towards the success that it is today. It has made many other companies join in and promote the same type of real beauty that Dove was after when they got started.
                                   - Cody

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