Friday, September 2, 2011


For this reading assignment we had to read about how to write a good paper and how to go about doing your research in order to create an affective argument. First and foremost when writing a paper is creating a strong introduction that will intrigue the reader to continue reading. Maybe start off with a question to get the reader thinking about the subject at hand or an interesting fact that the typical person may not know. Once you have revealed the topic and compelled the reader to keep on reading you have to bring you topic into focus. The reading assignment showed some interesting ways to organize your research, making it easier when introducing and narrowing your topic down, rather than having to write about a very vague subject where it would be difficult to make an affective argument. I was also introduced a new way of planning my research paper out, which was to actually planning it out by the use of a freewrite that can help create a hypothesis and show me what the meat of my paper will be about. By writing a hypothesis I am able to show the reader my argument that I am attempting to prove. Finally the last step in developing my paper is to write a research proposal, which is like a detailed agenda on how to complete that paper and make an affective argument. To me what i read was interesting and should help me when i'm trying to create my research paper.
                                 - Cody

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